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Master Internship on lighting techniques for AR
Master Student Internship in DL for Computer Animation
We are searching for a Master student internship in deep learning for animation, in collaboration with the Mercenaries Engineering company who produces the Rumba tool ( The work will focus on few-shot learning techniques for motion inbetweening in character animation! All details are available here! Contacts: marc.christie (at)
Immersive Previs at FMX 2019

The team has been demoing at FMX 2019 our latest Immersive Previs tool, combined with solidanim’s Previs-On-Set and with the help of Georges Méliès animation school. The Immerisive Previs tool is a VR applcation for previsualisation of movies. Creators can easily perform the layout of a scene, capture actors motion…
Thinking Like a Director: Film Editing Patterns for Virtual Cinematographic Storytelling
“Best presentation presentation” award at MIG 2018

The team’s paper, “Automated Staging for Virtual cinematography” by Amaury Louarn, Marc Christie and Fabrice Lamarche, was presented by Amaury Louarn on November 8th at Motion, Interaction and Games 2018 in Limassol, Cyprus. Abstract: While the topic of virtual cinematography has essentially focused on the problem of computing the best…