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Unity and Digital Monarch Domain on Virtual Cinematography
MPC to present its Genesis tool for Virtual Production at DigiPro 2018

Genesis, MPC’s new Virtual Production platform, offers filmmakers full multi-user collaboration and live manipulation of sets and characters, while offering high quality real-time renders with special attention to lighting. In addition, it provides VR and AR enabled tools for a more immersive experience for the Director and enhanced on-set workflows….
Team’s paper accepted at ICIP 2018

Our paper entitled “Multiple layers of contrasted images for robust feature-based visual tracking” by Xi Wang, Marc Christie and Eric Marchand is accepted and will be presented at ICIP’18 – 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Oct 2018, Athens, Greece.
Team’s paper accepted at IROS 2018

Our paper entitled “Optimized Contrast Enhancements to Improve Robustness of Visual Tracking in a SLAM Relocalisation Context” by Xi Wang, Marc Christie and Eric Marchand is accepted and will be presented at IROS’18 in Madrid. [gview file=””]